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Oak Lodge School

Key Stage 4

Upper School: Key Stage 4

Curriculum Outline

This department includes students in Years 10 and 11. Classes are not grouped according to age. There are no specific Year 10 or Year 11 classes.

Classes usually include students from both years, grouped according to primary need, social need and attainment level. There will continue to be a high level of adult support to enable all students to access learning and make progress. Click here to see the July 2024 Moving up to KS4 slides

Students continue to follow a modified and developmentally based national curriculum with additional differentiated input to support communication needs, but may be taught by a wider range of teachers. Students are also able to access a number of vocational subject options to further personalise their learning. Some students will be entered for nationally recognised qualifications that best match their levels of attainment and progress, others will work towards units that can add to their accreditation once in the 6th form. For detailed information about our learning offer, view our Upper School Curriculum Overview 2024-2025.

All students who completed Year 11 at Oak Lodge in 2022 moved onto further programmes of learning; either in our Post-16 department or at local FE colleges.

Because of their special educational needs, students who attend Oak Lodge have attainment levels below expected standards for their age. Therefore it is not applicable for the percentage of pupils achieving GCSE English and maths at grades A*-C, or making expected progress for their age to be published in the same way as a mainstream academy. Follow this link to see information about this school's performance published by the Secretary of State.